To improve the social and economic lives of the people of Liberia
helping to provide schools with the tools and facilities they need to provide a quality education especially in areas where the need is the greatest. We are currently focused on bringing books, lights, computers, and other needed school supplies to schools throughout Liberia.

56% of Liberia’s children are out-of-school and currently miss out on education. Many children in the rural areas cannot afford the cost of purchasing uniforms, school fees, exercise books, pens and pencils.
- $10 will provide study lights, pens, exercise books for a child.
- $20 will provide textbooks, soccer equiptment, food
- $50 could provide a year tuition fee and uniform for a child
- $100 could provide the above and much more.
So we can provide school supplies like computers, books, study lights, sports equipment, food, exercise books, and other needed items. Also, we help fund scholarships to pay for required school fees and uniforms.
Your donations help us to bring school supplies such as computers, books, study lights, soccer supplies, laptops as well as paper notebooks and many other needed items.
What we have achieved
We have distributed food and educational supplies to many communities in Liberia both in Monrovia and in the rural areas such as in rural districts and villages such as Foya, Kolahun, Vonjama, Zorzor districts in the Lofa and Montserrado county area of Liberia. We have sent shipments filled with books, laptops, soccer balls and shoes, pencils and pens, exercise notebooks and much more. We have also helped to fund students to pay for educational expenses as well as providing food.
We are currently supporting Liberian refugees living in a refugee camp in Sierra Leone and recently donated food and other supplies. Also we are helping the refugees by funding and organizing a woman’s Soccer team that is an important way to help empowerment and determination to build a better life. You can find out more about this project on our Facebook group page, linked here.
Our goal is put smiles on as many people with our gifts of food for single mothers, children, elderly, and disabled peoples.